STIC 60 is used on Hot vessels on chemical and petrochemical facilities as a one-time warning of dangerous temperature increases due to insulation failures or damage insulation.
STIC 60 is a clear indication when temperatures have been exceeded, proving to be an extremely useful aid to the industrial, chemical, and petrochemical industry. An ideal tool for monitoring hot vessels and Insulated Pipes to detect a rise in surface temperature when the Internal Insulation or refractory
STIC 60 is a onetime warning system. The color change is permanent. After warning of a temperature change the coating must be re-applied after proper surface preparation has been performed.
Example of color change on hot reaction vessel reaches the temperature for the STIC 60 to change color irreversible as visual inspection purposes.
STIC 60 – Hot spots identified - STIC 60 colors changed to Red due to wet insulation or damaged insulation system.